Monday, June 8, 2009


Hmmmm.....I think we have a bit of a problem here. I was establishing new followers and increasing our friend count in alternating thrusts when I logged into the account only to see the following message:

"Account Suspended
This account is currently suspended and is being investigated due to strange activity."

That can't be good. In fact, it pretty much stops us in our tracks. No new posts. No new followers. No new friends. I was just starting to enjoy the 500 tweets per day I was receiving telling me how I could make money on Twitter, and meet up with lonely women, and that someone just woke up and needed coffee. Now what will I do? Luckily, there is a process to follow to request reinstatement. I'm giving that a try. I'm not exactly sure what triggered the suspension in the first place, but it might have been the link to this blog (possible spam?), so if I get the account reinstated, I'll definitely try letting people find the blog on their own (it's mentioned on my Twitter background page). It also may have been the fact that the account sat at 3 followers for 2 years and is now rapidly increasing. Who knows?

Still, it's worth looking at our progress to date.

Followers: 201
Following: 1,050
Updates: 147
Rank: 282,419th (Note: This is the latest ranking listed, but doesn't reflect all 201 followers.)

That's a significant increase! While the FFT ratio isn't ideal, it's mostly due to being stopped cold before some friend cleanup could take place. It's hard to know what is happening with the account during this suspension period. Will followers miss my witty tweets and simply stop following? Will my growing fan base wait patiently for me to return? Will the account ever be restored? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Apparently it's all up to a Twitter administrator named "delbius". If you're reading this delbius, take pitty on us. Wish me luck everybody!


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